How Solar Hot Water Installation Help With Your Power Bills?

What Can You Expect from a Solar Hot Water Installation? Hot running water is a staple demand for all home owners, whether the warmer temperature is needed to run a bath or shower – or if it’s to assist the central heating system. On one hand, electricity can be very expensive to run on a daily basis, not to mention adding to a families’ economic footprint that can damage the world and increase the impact of global warming. Solar energy on the other hand is free, relatively consistent and functional enough to offer hot water all day long – especially if the sun is out. But what can you expect from a solar hot water installation? How do the benefits compare to traditional electrical systems and could they make that much of a difference to a home? How does solar power work? The sun has played a major role on the way that the world works. Its rays have encouraged growth and evolution and it’s a necessity for organisms of all types. It’s not just the health benefits that it boasts however; in fact its rays are more than capable of standing in for electricity when used properly. That’s where solar power comes into the fray. Thanks to the advanced components within solar panels, it’s never been easier to absorb the rays from the sun. Once harvested, these molecules can be converted into energy that is capable of heating up multiple gallons of water in less than an hour. With consistent exposure, this means that homes of all sizes can benefit from hot water all day long – without the cost or impact of using electricity. How can solar energy be of benefit? By opting to have a solar hot water system installed, even the largest home can enjoy warm water for showers, baths, central heat and general uses. Where electricity works by transferring energy via cables and connections, solar power can instead be put to good use immediately within boilers and other water-related features. This can also minimise risks associated with leakages, but that’s just a minor advantage. The real benefits relate to the way in which solar energy can all but replace electrical equivalents. As mentioned above, monthly bills will be lower as the sunlight is free, not to mention water being easy to heat with just a couple of hours of exposure to the sun. What are the cons relating to solar panels? As their name might suggest, the panels do rely on sunlight in order to function to their fullest potential. Although the rays will be strong enough to pierce cloud, panels can struggle to absorb them during especially bad weather. This can result in cold water, but this is fairly minimal when considering that Australia is exposed to over half a year of direct sunlight. For those colder seasons, there’s always the option to have an emersion heater installed and this can be activated to temporarily provide electrical power to the heat source.